Over the last couple of months, since wrapping production, we've been holed up editing like madmen. Eric has set up his editing HQ in a converted woodshed up on Blue Mountain, and my post production digs are in my garage behind my house. This has been a long winter, but very productive indeed. Watching the film come together is quite possibly the most rewarding part of this entire process. Post is also MUCH less stressful than actual production. There are no more impossible logistics to pull off, no last minute preproduction and extras casting, no actors to direct , no waiting for the weather to change and no more Wild Turkey (thank God)! We have completed around 2/3 of the film and are very happy with what we are seeing and we're hoping to complete the rough cut by mid-March. We have also been working with a small group of wildly talented musicians who are creating a wicked soundtrack that will undoubtedly blow your mind.